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Monday, March 9, 2009

Dos Command

What are some examples of common DOS commands?

Note: replace the drive letter as needed for your own computer. Also, you can type these commands in either upper or lower case letters, because DOS does not distinguish case.
help list commands (only in DOS versions 5 or later)
help command get help on the DOS command "command"
command /? list switches for the DOS command "command"
path=c:\windows;c:\dos specify in which directories DOS searches for commands or programs
prompt $p$g make the DOS prompt display the current directory
dir list files in the current directory in one column
dir /w list files in five columns
dir /p list files one page at a time
dir *.exe list all files with an "EXE" extension
dir z???.exe list "EXE" files that have four letters and start with z
dir winsock.dll /s searches for the file "winsock.dll" in the current directory
type file.ext view the contents of the text file "file.ext"
edit file.ext use the DOS 5 editor to edit the file "file.ext"
a: change to the A: drive
md c:\myfiles make a new subdirectory named "myfiles"
cd c:\myfiles change to subdirectory "myfiles"
rd c:\myfiles remove the existing subdirectory named "myfiles"
del file.ext delete a file named "file.ext"
ren f1 f2 rename file "f1" to "f2"
copy f1 f2 copy file "f1" to "f2"
verify on turn on verification of copy commands
verify off turn off verification of copy commands
xcopy d1 d2 /s copy all files and subdirectories in directory "d1"
xcopy d1 d2 /p ask for confirmation of each file before copying
diskcopy a: b: duplicate a disk using two floppy drives
diskcopy a: a: duplicate a disk using the same floppy drive
format a: format a floppy disk in drive a:
format a: /s: format a bootable floppy disk (include system)
backup c:\d1\*.txt a: back up all files with the extension ".TXT" in "c:\d1\" to the "a:" floppy drive
backup c:\ a: /s back up the entire C: drive to floppy drive a:
restore a: c:\d1\*.txt restore certain files to C: from A:
restore a: c:\ /s restore backed-up files and subdirectories
ver check the version of DOS
time check or correct the system time
date check or correct the system date
cls clear the screen
scandisk scans and checks disk C for errors
chkdsk check disk and memory usage of the current disk
chkdsk /f fix errors reported by chkdsk
chkdsk filename check a particular file
chkdsk a: check a particular disk (a floppy in the a: drive)
mem check memory usage

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